What are Tournaments?
Tournaments are 24-hour long competitions where SongPop players try to score as many points as they can in a specified category. They are unlocked at level 8 and can be found in the section above the "Start Game" button.
Unlike regular 1vs1 PVP-style games, tournament rounds are 10 songs!
Compete against 4 other players during the round, if you can beat the other users’ scores, you’re awarded extra points!
The Leaderboard
You can see where you stand compared to the other players by checking the leaderboard. At the end of the 24 hour tournament, players who finish higher on the leaderboard will receive the most points and rewards!
When you play a tournament round, a random playlist will be chosen from that tournament’s genre. If you’re playing a rock tournament, all the playlists in that tournament will come from the rock genre!
Milestone Rewards
As you collect points in the tournament, you can claim rewards! The more points you can earn, the farther along the milestone path you can claim.
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